Why Three Things: Body, Mind, Will

Three things: Body, Mind, Will.

I’m almost past my 30s and edging into my 40s. Throughout these decades, I’ve realised a few things:

  1. I’m constantly told that I should be an innovator, keep traditions, be the mom, be the dad, be the everything and do everything.
  2. There are so many distractions! Facebook, Wired, Mashable, Marvel Superheroes, Streaming videos
  3. I should do my coursework but, beer!
  4. Work day already?!
  5. <Add your own>

It’s a time where everything demands our attention — from the serious (“Client hates this!” or “Have you paid your bills yet!) to the frivolous (“Ding! You’ve got a Facebook message”).

Unfortunately, they won’t go away soon. Unfortunately, these are things that are out of most people control. After all, we don’t own Facebook and can’t shut it down (unless pitchforks, anyone?).

Three Things that I can Change

That’s why I’m changing myself. I’ve identified three things (hence the name of this blog) that I can control and take care of:

  1. The Body for the strength to outlast and feel good
  2. The Mind to out-think and to know my shortcomings
  3. The Will to act, overcome, and attend to matters at hand

Three things: Body, Mind, Will.

Three things: Body, Mind, Will. You can’t do without each other.

I believe that competency in these three things (Body, Mind, and Will) are necessary for a good life. Or at least being able to tolerate the one that I have now.

Personally, I’ve been very focused on the Body and Mind. However, the Will has been atrophying as I’ve been indulging in instant gratification and procrastination.

From now until the end, I’ll share findings on these three things.  I hope they’ll be useful for anyone who needs a little jolt and focus in their life.

Onwards for a better life!